The Red Hand Files Index - justice

God and I have always been very tight; even in hard times when I’ve been furious at God, God now feels absent. Very heavy things have happened throughout my life, but I always had an optimism that I could do the work to improve things. [ ] But losing young friends to illness, losing a love to some very serious circumstances, some big consequences for doing work that holds people accountable, I’m feeling very heartbroken about the world. It’s the lack of justice that really breaks me and the feeling of helplessness despite all the work I’ve done.Your work and this beautiful newsletter have been a lifeline for so many. You’re also sensitive to God in the many ways God may show up for us, so I’d love to know how to find my way back.


I recently learned that there is a sitting Supreme Court Justice, here in the United States, who is a fan of a musician I love. This musician has passed. The Justice, in my opinion, is dangerous to this country, and holds views I abhor. I firmly believe, through public knowledge of this artist, that he was not supportive of this Justice either. I feel like this man, whom I loathe, is singing along and dancing to music that wasn’t created for him. Funnily enough, it feels like a real injustice. [ ] Do you believe your music is created for everyone? Are you OK with the idea that people you might genuinely see as despicable, are fans of yours? How do you feel about the fact that they listen to the words and music you work so hard on, that you put all of your soul into, and claim a personal ownership of it? Does it feel like a betrayal of the art you toiled over? [ ] Thanks so much for the music.

JUSTIN @ Issue no. 209