I went to buy “Poems” by Frederick Seidel based on your recommendation and opted instead for his latest “So What” collection because I hadn’t read him and liked the title. Always with a new poetry collection, I open to a few poems randomly before proceeding front-to-back. [ ] To my utter amazement there was a poem called “Nick Cave”. I’m basking in the weird little joy that that moment gave me. What was that like?
SCOTT @ Issue no. 292I can’t explain the feeling of almost rapture, of joy, hearing Wild God today. Can you tell us any more about the album please?
RENNY @ Issue no. 277My hubby Tim has been gradually reading me the historical Red Hand Files. We were late to this even though both of us have always loved and followed you. Unfortunately I am on palliative care and will no doubt shake off this mortal coil soon. These questions are so wonderfully answered, they throw me directly into your arms. I wish I had a good question to ask, alas not. You have and do fill my world with joy, amongst these four walls. I have shed tears for you and Susie and laughed with you too. I have a beautiful signed copy of Idiot Prayer on one wall along with other lovely memorabilia that Tim brings to me. I listen to your audible books with delight. I hope the future Nick and Susie find all the joy of life that you can draw from each other. Love to you both. PS. Love to Tim for writing this for me. He is my rock.
ALISON @ Issue no. 232[ ] What is joy? Where is it? Where is love in this world that is such an evil mess. [ ]
MAJA @ Issue no. 219Joy is hearing the French horn in your song ‘Joy’. This song resonates deeply with me after I lost my mother at age 11 and because my mother never heard her granddaughter play the French horn. I feel my mother sitting on the end of my bed, telling me that I need to feel joy after so long. I wish she were here to hear her granddaughter playing. I know she’d be dismayed at the state of the world today, but she’d still look for joy.
LISA @ Issue no. 314