The Red Hand Files Index - god

God and I have always been very tight; even in hard times when I’ve been furious at God, God now feels absent. Very heavy things have happened throughout my life, but I always had an optimism that I could do the work to improve things. [ ] But losing young friends to illness, losing a love to some very serious circumstances, some big consequences for doing work that holds people accountable, I’m feeling very heartbroken about the world. It’s the lack of justice that really breaks me and the feeling of helplessness despite all the work I’ve done.Your work and this beautiful newsletter have been a lifeline for so many. You’re also sensitive to God in the many ways God may show up for us, so I’d love to know how to find my way back.


Wild God is fully thrilling. Would you please tell us about it?

LAUREN @ Issue no. 277

Why are you so convinced God is a He?

LINDA @ Issue no. 276

(Re #196) God is Love, but Love gets weird.

NATE @ Issue no. 198

In your opinion, what is God?

SUE @ Issue no. 196

Dear Nick, a couple of years ago I found myself in the midst of a heated debate about how each of us imagined God’s voice. At least a couple of people said that God would sound like you. Not me. There is a twistedness to my idea of God that makes me think of Tom Waits. In your mind, does God have a voice and if so, is it a familiar one? Or does God make him/her/itself heard in other ways?

RUTE @ Issue no. 41

It’s Wednesday, 21.49 and it starts to rain. I light a cigarette and smoke on my balcony and listen to a vinyl. I contemplate the rain and realize that despite all the shit and cruelty in this fucked up world of ours, some moments are so precious that there must be a God or something greater than me, you, everyone. How do you feel about God? Really.

DEE @ Issue no. 37

Do you believe in God? I mean personal, not through your songs.

MAGGIE @ Issue no. 11

Are songs from God?

ANASTASIA @ Issue no. 297