The Red Hand Files Index - dragon

Dear Nick, Thank you for sending her to me! I must say, it was a bit awkward at first; establishing a relationship with this new being of a kind that I had never known before. Especially because even though I could tell she was weak, I did not have any idea as to what she needed to feel well and safe. I was scared, for I did not want to make things worse. But strangely – although she never spoke to me with human words and thus far I don’t speak dragon – it seems like her needs, even her entire being, are directly on the surface! With every breath, through the ‘open-and-close’ movement of her scales, she communicates through the surface of her skin. It seems as if what she has to tell, thus travels through the air and into the pores of my own skin. And then I just know. Anyway, I am so glad to have her with me and although in many ways she is still a mystery to me, there is so much in who she is that I find inspirational! A trip to Croatia is nearing and I plan to take her with me. She seems to have gained quite some strength and I like to think that a change of environment may do her good. The village is quiet and surrounded by forests, mountains, streams and rivers and a lake, and she may even encounter some wildlife. I do have a good feeling about her meeting the kids, for they are still young enough to be able to tune in with her without too much distraction of self-reflection. What do you think? I am very sure it will do them good to meet a dragon. Thanks again. If it wasn’t for you, I might have never noticed her when she passed me. So much that I would have missed. All the best and we send you love

ELS @ Issue no. 148