The Red Hand Files Index - connection

I overdosed a few months ago, ever since then it feels like I’ve hit my expiration date and my life is meaningless. Is it ever possible for me to connect to not only myself but to the world and people around me again?

ZARA @ Issue no. 258

I lost someone in the last year. It’s unknown and unspoken territory to me. I thought it was fine. I thought it was fine. It was a gentle passing. Now shapes and echoes resound. I feel a presence that comes and goes – a comforting presence, gentle and protective. I don’t understand it. I don’t believe in a god that sits above. I feel a presence in all things – something mysterious and miraculous. Sometimes I gaze gently at birds and trees and am deeply moved by the life that hums in them. For I love birds and trees especially the sparrows and tall trees with wide branches. It’s strange to feel so connected and yet have a feeling of being so disconnected. At times I’m fine – more than fine as they are here and I forget I lost them and my memories hold the space of all things we shared. My question is I don’t know how to understand the experience of loss. It’s not something I could negotiate with. I hope this makes some sense.

ROSE @ Issue no. 106

My husband died some years ago but I feel him all around. How can this be?

MALINA @ Issue no. 55

What is it that the seemingly recent connection to your fans is giving you to encourage you to hold these forum-style events?

LEISA @ Issue no. 2