The Red Hand Files Index - artist

What would you say is the most gratifying thing about being an artist/musician?

GIL @ Issue no. 292

My muses have left me and I have lost all motivation to create as a film and music maker. Have you ever felt alien to yourself and your identity as an artist?

TAM @ Issue no. 274

I am currently witnessing the awe inspiring beauty of a fierce thunderstorm. Earlier today, I had a meeting with a very well connected artist. We discussed my work. He said something to me that I’ve heard before from others: that my work has to participate in the socio-political discourse. The work needs to call into question immediate and “relevant” topics. In my work I strive for something ineffable and timeless. Why do I have to put words to something where language can’t begin to scratch the surface of the ultimate beauty that permeates it. Like this thunderstorm.

ISABELLA @ Issue no. 247

My life is a mess. I am a drug addict now for fifteen years. I am worried about giving it up because I am an artist, a painter, and I don’t want to lose my edge. I can’t create without it.

THOM @ Issue no. 234

Should we separate the artist from the art?

SHELLY @ Issue no. 149

What do you personally look for in an artist?

MAX @ Issue no. 99

Do you need to be hurt or mentally ill to be a great artist?

LATABAN @ Issue no. 81

I was lucky enough to be at your recent London show and you played Cosmic Dancer by T Rex. It reminded me how Morrissey also covered and released this. In turn it reminded me of my current struggle reconciling his recent unsavoury far right support to how I used to put him on a pedestal. Generally, is it possible to separate the latter-day artist from his earlier art? More specifically, what are your views on Morrissey, both early days and his newer more ugly persona?

MARK @ Issue no. 48

In what way did the profession of your father influence you as an artist and as a person?

MICHAEL @ Issue no. 29

They say you should separate the art from the artist. I can’t do that. My childhood heroes have become monsters. Now I read that the song “I Am A God” by Kanye West should be played at your funeral. How the hell can you listen to the song without seeing the scum of a human being that Kanye has become?

JÖRG @ Issue no. 313