The Red Hand Files Index - advice

Nick, I think you are such a wise and sensitive man. Please give me your advice: I have a huge crush on a guy, a musician, he is depressed and is a heavy drinker and constantly ghosts me, my heart is so shattered… what should I do?

IRA @ Issue no. 251

Any advice to a young songwriter just starting out?

CHARLIE @ Issue no. 248

I’ve always believed in, and yearned for, a soul-mate kind of love: passionate, joyful, uplifting and inspiring. And I have found it, although quite late in life. However, he has said he will never marry me because he doesn’t believe in, or even hates the idea of “marriage” (as a social or cultural construct, a legal thing, or whatever). I, on the other hand, simply can’t stop desiring to be a wife instead of girlfriend, to have a husband instead of a boyfriend (which even sounds ridiculous given our age – I’ve just turned 52 and he’ll be 59 this summer). In the argument, he suggested it might also be due to cultural differences (I’m Slovak, he’s Dutch). [ ] Is there any advice you and Susie can give me? Or a message I could show him? He is a very special, cutely crazy and beautiful person, an artist and a unique carpenter, with a lot of great humour and playfulness. We laugh all the time.

ZUZANA @ Issue no. 226

I’m sixteen and have just recently gotten really into your work. I was wondering: what advice would you give to your sixteen year old self and why?

TAYA @ Issue no. 176

I’m thinking about having a child but everything looks so grim right now. What’s your advice?

POLIANA @ Issue no. 118

There is a photograph. You are wearing checked pants; you have your arm around a woman who appears to be stately and warm, in a very beautiful understated woollen coat. I think it is your mother. May I ask what was the most helpful advice she gave you? What of her words do you hold dear?

CATHERINE @ Issue no. 14

I’ve had the same job for nearly twenty years. I’m fifty-three years old. I feel like packing the whole thing in and doing something completely different. I’d like to write songs. Paint pictures. Do something artistic. Any advice?

FLETCH @ Issue no. 297