Darklands world map
Files with this format: "darkland.map
Contains the wilderness map, with everything except for
the dynamically generated locations
(all non-cities listed in darkland.loc
The map is constructed from tiles contained in two .pic
" and "mapicon2.pic
Table of Contents
: max_x_coord: word = 0x147
- Number of locations.
- This word is stored high-byte first
: max_y_coord: word = 0x3a3
- Number of locations.
- This word is stored high-byte first
: row_offsets: array[ max_y_coord ] of dword
- File offsets to row data.
[next]: map_data: array[ max_y_coord ] of array[ ] of byte
- Map data.
This data is RLE compressed: each byte represents 1-7 map tiles.
The top three bits are the repeat count,
and are always at least one (
The next bit is the palette set:
for "mapicons.pic
for "mapicon2.pic
The four least bits indicate which row the tile comes from in the palette set.
Which column the map tile comes from depends on the four diagonally adjacent tiles:
the 1's bit comes from the northwest tile's row's 8's bit;
the 2's bit comes from the northeast tile's row's 4's bit;
the 4's bit comes from the southwest tile's row's 2's bit;
the 8's bit comes from the southeast tile's row's 1's bit.
W: Described recipe doesn't seem to work.
The bits seems to be set by adjacent tile "similarity". Tile having same palette and row sets the bit. Plus there are other relations: river binds to bridge tile (and vice versa), most of "wet" tiles binds together, etc.
Odd lines (y%2 == 1) are shifted by half to the right. Therefore ie. for y==2 are north adjacent tiles coordinates x-1, y-1 and x, y-1, and for y==3 are north adjacent tiles coordinates x, y-1 and x+1, y-1.