Darklands map viewer and quest lister. Based on dlq by Steven J. Cotellesse & Michael Petzold. It can list raubritter and "get the item" quests only. You have to mark down witch sabbat dates and other informations yourself. Linux binary: dl_helper Windows binary: dl_helper.exe Source code: https://github.com/vvendigo/Darklands/tree/master/dlhelper Copy the binary into the main darklands folder (e.g. ~/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Darklands/DARKLAND/ for Linux Steam install) and run it. Controls: Map: mouse scroll to zoom the map, mouse drag to move the map Lists: mouse scroll to move, left click to select item Use -r parameter to enable automatic savegames renaming. (Renames SAVES/DKSAVE* files to SAVES/DKSV????. Other files will be left untouched.) Game will sort savegames from the newest one then. It also enables you to have more than 10100 saves before the game crashes. If you are using Steam version on Linux, you can add this line before DL start: ${CURRENT_DIR}/../DARKLAND/dl_helper -r & into ~/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Darklands/dosbox_linux/launch_darklands_game.sh script to start DL helper automaticaly.